Symptoms of Andropause

Identifying the Symptoms of Andropause the Male Menopause

Symptoms of Andropause

What are the Symptoms of Andropause?

As you age, you may encounter a natural decline in hormone production known as andropause, which is sometimes referred to as male menopause. This phase is characterised by a drop in testosterone levels and can lead to a variety of symptoms that can affect both your physical and emotional well-being. Recognising these signs is crucial for understanding and managing this stage of life effectively.

Andropause typically manifests with both physical and psychological symptoms. You might notice a decrease in energy levels, strength, and stamina, or you may experience changes in your mood and cognitive function. Sleep disturbances, a reduced libido, and difficulties in maintaining concentration are common. Furthermore, andropause is associated with a decline in sexual function, which can manifest as erectile dysfunction or a decrease in sexual desire.

It’s important to understand that these symptoms are not necessarily indicative of a more serious underlying condition, but they can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Consulting healthcare professionals and considering lifestyle adjustments can help mitigate these symptoms.

Research suggests that andropause does not typically result in specific psychological symptoms, but it can be associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms in some men. Therefore, if you’re experiencing such changes, it might be worthwhile to assess whether your symptoms are related to andropause.

Understanding Andropause

Andropause, sometimes referred to as the “male menopause,” is a condition associated with a gradual decline in testosterone levels in men, typically occurring from the age of the mid-40s onwards. You might notice various symptoms that can impact your daily life. Read more about the andropause in my article.

Primary Symptoms:

  • Reduced Libido: You may experience a decrease in your sexual desire.
  • Fatigue: It’s common to feel unusually tired or experience a loss of energy.
  • Mood Changes: You could encounter mood swings, irritability, or depression.

Physical Changes:

  • Increased body fat
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Development of breast tissue (gynecomastia)

Cognitive Effects:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory problems

It’s essential to recognise that these symptoms can also be related to other health conditions. If you find yourself experiencing them, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide you with a comprehensive assessment to determine if these symptoms are indeed related to andropause and discuss potential treatment options with you.

Educating yourself about andropause is critical for better management. Many men are unaware of this condition, which leads to underreporting. It is important to understand this entity and its symptoms. Awareness can lead to better coping strategies and a higher quality of life during this natural phase of ageing.

Physical Symptoms

Andropause is characterised by a spectrum of physical symptoms that result from the decline in testosterone levels as you age. These symptoms can affect your muscle mass, body composition, bone density, hair, temperature regulation, and energy levels.

Decreased Muscle Mass

You may notice a reduction in muscle mass and strength, which is often due to the decreased production of testosterone affecting muscle protein synthesis.

Increased Body Fat

An increase in body fat, particularly around the abdomen, can occur during andropause. This change in body composition may be challenging to manage without adjustments to diet and exercise.

Reduced Bone Density

Your bone density may decrease during andropause, possibly leading to a higher risk of fractures and the development of osteoporosis.

Hair Loss

Testosterone influences hair growth; thus, during andropause, you might experience hair loss or thinning, predominantly on the scalp.

Hot Flushes

Although less common than in menopause, you can still experience hot flushes during andropause, which are sudden feelings of heat that spread mainly over the face and neck.


Persistent fatigue and decreased energy levels are frequently reported by men undergoing andropause, which can affect your overall quality of life.

Emotional and Cognitive Symptoms

Andropause can bring about significant emotional and cognitive changes, affecting your mood, irritability, and even your memory.

Mood Swings

You may notice that during andropause, you could experience sudden changes in mood. These shifts can be intense and are often not triggered by events that would have previously affected you.


An increase in irritability is a common sign of andropause; you might find yourself losing patience more quickly or feeling agitated over matters that once seemed trivial.


Signs of depression are notably prevalent during andropause. You may feel persistent sadness, lose interest in once pleasurable activities, or find it hard to feel optimistic about the future.

Memory Impairment

You could also notice a decline in your cognitive functions, especially memory impairment, which might manifest as forgetfulness or difficulty in concentrating on tasks.

Sexual Health Symptoms

When experiencing andropause, you may notice several changes related to your sexual health, including fluctuations in libido, erectile function, and semen production.

Low Libido

You might find that your sexual desire has decreased. This can be a direct result of lower testosterone levels, which are common as you age.

Erectile Dysfunction

Issues with achieving or maintaining an erection can be symptomatic of andropause. The changes in blood flow and nerve function that come with ageing often contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Reduced Semen Production

Alongside a decline in libido and potential erectile issues, you may also notice a decrease in semen volume. Testosterone plays a role in semen production, and its reduction can have an impact on this aspect of your sexual health.

Sleep Disturbances

During andropause, you may experience significant changes in your sleep patterns, including difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. These issues can seriously impact your daily life.


You might find yourself struggling to fall asleep, or you may wake up frequently during the night. This condition is known as insomnia and is a common symptom of andropause. If you’re noticing that it’s hard to get a good night’s rest and you’re often tired during the day, it could be related to hormonal changes.

Sleep Apnoea

Another sleep disturbance associated with andropause is sleep apnoea. This is a potentially serious sleep disorder where your breathing stops and starts repeatedly. You might snore loudly and feel exhausted even after a full night’s sleep, which could indicate the presence of this condition. It’s important to address sleep apnoea as it can increase the risk of further health complications.

Hormonal Changes

Your body undergoes significant hormonal shifts during andropause, which can impact your physical and emotional well-being. These changes are primarily marked by alterations in testosterone levels and the balance of oestrogen.

Testosterone Decline

In andropause, your testosterone levels gradually decrease. This decline may manifest through various symptoms like reduced libido, fatigue, and mood swings. It’s important to note that while testosterone naturally diminishes with age, substantial drops can lead to these pronounced effects. Evidence shows that men undergoing hormonal ablation therapy can also experience similar symptoms to andropause, indicating that andropause resembles therapeutic hormonal changes.

Increased Oestrogen

As testosterone levels fall, the ratio of oestrogen to testosterone can shift, sometimes leading to an increase in relative oestrogen levels. This hormonal imbalance could contribute to the development of certain symptoms of andropause such as increased body fat and emotional variability. It’s a common misconception that oestrogen only affects women; men too can experience the consequences of an imbalance in this hormone, which requires careful monitoring and, in some cases, medical intervention.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, you will find concise answers to common queries regarding the symptoms of andropause and how they can be managed effectively.

What are the typical signs of hormonal changes in middle-aged men?

You may notice a variety of symptoms associated with hormonal changes, such as fatigue, mood swings, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, and reduced libido. These signs are often compared with menopausal symptoms in women.

At what stage in life does male hormonal decline usually begin?

The decline in male hormones, primarily testosterone, typically starts around the age of 30, progressing gradually as you age. The onset of noticeable symptoms, often referred to as andropause, may not manifest until later in life, commonly by the age 50 or above.

What lifestyle adjustments can alleviate the symptoms associated with hormonal changes in men?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management, can help to alleviate symptoms. Limiting alcohol consumption and quitting smoking are also important.

Is it possible to reverse the effects of hormonal decline in men, and if so, how?

While you cannot entirely reverse the natural decline of hormones, treatments such as testosterone replacement therapy can help manage symptom severity. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

How does a reduction in testosterone levels impact male behaviour and relationships?

A reduction in testosterone can affect your mood, possibly leading to irritability or depression, which in turn can strain interpersonal relationships. It can also result in reduced sexual desire, potentially affecting intimate relationships.

Are there any natural supplements effective in managing the symptoms of hormonal changes in men?

Some natural supplements are thought to support hormonal health, such as fenugreek, zinc, and Vitamin D and Vitamin B6, which might help in managing symptoms. However, it’s important to evaluate their efficacy and safety before use.

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Nic Jones

Nic is an ardent advocate for wellness and physical fitness, maintaining an unwavering interest in fitness, supplements, and overall well-being for more than a decade. He is the founder of Which Supplements, a new supplements brand. Nic has worked in sports nutrition for many years and has top credentials within the field. With an unwavering dedication to sharing his expertise and passion, he enthusiastically strives to empower others by imparting knowledge and promoting well-being thorough his writings.